What's the matter with all the red spots

Misty rain passers-by Ask questions at 19:46:48, April 15, 2024
Recommended answer

The red spots on the whole body are generally believed to be caused by allergic dermatitis. Because of allergic symptoms and dermatitis, local inflammatory allergic reaction is caused and red spots appear in the whole body. Secondly, it may also be caused by infection, such as measles, rubella and other virus eruptions, which may also cause red spots all over the body, but such red spots may be accompanied by fever symptoms or general malaise. Moreover, it may also be caused by other factors, such as systemic diseases, including renal insufficiency, which makes it impossible to effectively discharge toxins, and then causes systemic skin reactions. It is suggested that patients should go to the dermatology department of a regular hospital for examination and treatment.

Misty rain passers-by 2024-04-22 12:28:38

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