How to interview sales job seekers?

Snow rose Ask questions on 2024-06-01 09:23:35
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Sales: refers to the act of providing products and/or services to a third party by means of sales, leasing or any other means, including relevant auxiliary activities to promote the act, such as advertising, promotion, exhibition, services and other activities.
Marketing is everywhere in life. The process of buying and selling is sales. Making friends is also sales. What kind of salesperson is needed by the company? How should HR select sales personnel? Next, let's share how HR should interview sales personnel.

Operation method

HR and HR assistant must dress formally. This is the corporate image, and has nothing to do with the size of the company. After filling in the application form, the assistant guides the candidate to HR for interview. The assistant is the support of HR. It should set off the dignity of HR and attract the attention of applicants.

Two questions must be clear before the interview: ① What kind of talents do we want? ② What kind of company does the candidate need? Many HR interviewers pay too much attention to point ① while ignoring point ②. If it is 10 years ago, there are few companies, and job seekers attach great importance to finding jobs, this interview is OK. But now, on the contrary, there are many companies and job seekers do not pay enough attention to finding jobs. So you must know what kind of company the candidate needs.

First, solve the second question: What kind of company does the candidate need? More money, less work, closer to home, more holidays, good welfare, good office environment... Of course, many companies are difficult to achieve these, but we start from the psychological choice of job seekers, which is undoubtedly what many job seekers expect, so what should we do as a company? Since job seekers pay attention to salary, we can't avoid answering or equivocation during the interview. Not to mention the salary training or induction because the applicant does not know the company or the products. We consider the issue from the perspective of job seekers. In fact, everyone who looks for a job pays attention to salary and treatment, including the last part of TV recruitment programs, which talk about money without hurting feelings. It can be seen that salary and treatment is the most important concern of job seekers. Therefore, pay must be raised in the recruitment process. So how to choose people? The recruitment of sales personnel is evaluated comprehensively from the following points, and the effect is very good.

Question 1: Introduce yourself? This question tests the applicant's thinking and logical expression ability, as well as the job advantages they have when applying for sales. HR mainly assesses whether the candidate's language is concise and to the point.

Question 2: What is your reason for leaving your previous company? This question mainly tests whether the candidate's subjective negative emotions are too heavy, such as too hard work. Often some job seekers will use family reasons as an excuse. For the company: real talents can not be lost! So the reason why many candidates left their last job is just a one-sided excuse. In particular, the last job was sales, but now we are applying for sales. The first thing we need to assess is the performance of applicants in their last job and whether they can earn money. You can ask the applicant to describe how the salary of the next job was formed, and his/her performance.

Question 3: Why choose our company? This question mainly assesses the applicant's intention to apply, attitude towards work and motivation to apply for a job.

Question 4: Why should we hire you? This question mainly assesses the self-confidence of job seekers. If they are not confident in selling, they will never do well.

Question 5: Family status and hobbies? Hobbies can reflect the personality, concept and mentality of applicants to a certain extent. For example, lonely job seekers like reading and surfing the Internet.

In fact, I agree with one sentence: traveling thousands of miles is not as competent as reading countless HR people, which is the result of reading countless people!

Snow rose 2024-06-07 09:55:01

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