What is the cause of blisters on the penis

Self floating forest Ask questions at 19:41:24, April 16, 2024
Recommended answer

The main reasons for blisters on the penis are genital herpes and drug allergy. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease, mainly caused by herpes virus infection. The penis has small blisters or ulceration, exudation, and then drying, crusting, blisters disappear. The virus is self-healing in most cases, but it will recur, so it needs antiviral treatment as soon as possible. Secondly, blisters caused by drug allergy are also easy to appear on the penis, which requires the local regular hospital to find the allergen and give oral anti allergic drugs. The above health science knowledge is only for reference. The specific situation needs to be checked in a regular hospital and judged by a professional doctor.

Self floating forest 2024-04-22 12:24:23

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