What is brain trauma?

Beaming with Joy Ask questions on May 30, 2024-18:05:50
Recommended answer

Brain injury refers to brain tissue injury caused by various factors, such as traffic accidents, falls, etc. The early treatment of brain trauma is very important, which directly affects the prognosis of patients. After head injury, patients often have corresponding clinical symptoms, such as dizziness and headache, which seriously lead to consciousness disorder. There are two kinds of consciousness disorders. One is the continuous loss of consciousness after injury, and the other is that the situation has improved after the loss of consciousness. However, after a few minutes or hours, the patient becomes unconscious again. It is necessary to understand the injury condition of the injured person. If there is unclear consciousness or obvious trauma, the patient should be sent to the hospital immediately for treatment.

Beaming with Joy 2024-06-03 11:57:42

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