Can hyperthyroidism neck hurt?

A good horse will not turn back Ask questions on 2024-05-13 00:37:27
Recommended answer

Hyperthyroidism can be divided into many kinds. The most common Graves disease is not neck pain. Subthyroiditis, which causes hyperthyroidism, can cause thyroid pain and tenderness. It is caused by virus infection. The pain often radiates behind the ear, neck and head. Other rare cases include bleeding in thyroid gland and suppurative thyroiditis, but at this time, thyroid function is not hyperfunction, it is simple thyroid inflammation. The main clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism are tremor, palpitation, hyperhidrosis, fear of heat, irritability, overeating, weight loss, increased stool frequency, menstrual disorder, sexual dysfunction, proptosis, goiter, increased heart rate, and arrhythmia. Hyperthyroidism caused by subacute thyroiditis is transient, and it will relieve itself without medicine.

A good horse will not turn back 2024-05-20 11:18:21

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