Examination of intestinal obstruction

Rain Run Static Load Ask questions at 05:01:46, April 19, 2024
Recommended answer

Obstruction of intestinal contents caused by any reason is collectively referred to as intestinal obstruction. It is one of the common surgical acute abdomen. Intestinal obstruction is a very common disease in clinic, which often includes the elderly and children. The simplest examination method for intestinal obstruction is abdominal dialysis, abdominal fluoroscopy, which can check the level of air and liquid. Another examination method is abdominal plain film, objective record of abdominal plain film, condition and position of intestinal obstruction, and air and liquid level. Another important examination is abdominal CT, which can not only identify the location of intestinal obstruction, but also determine whether the cause of intestinal obstruction is intestinal obstruction caused by stool or tumor. These three inspection methods are mainly used in clinical examination.

Rain Run Static Load 2024-04-22 12:31:44

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