The most versatile and beautiful hair dye, ear dye, cool and eye-catching

The right way in the world is vicissitudes Ask questions on 2024-06-11 03:41:46
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When it comes to hair dyeing, many stylists prefer highlights because they are very cool and not afraid of making mistakes.

Hanging ear dye is one of the highlights. It is dyed on the side of the ear, which makes the sense of vision very attractive.

No matter straight hair or curly hair, ear dye can perfectly highlight your personality, and the lake blue ear dye is good.

In addition to blue, gold, green and silver hair colors, gray is also the most selected hair style.

The original collarbone straight hair is very cool and charming, and the silver ear dye is added to make the whole hair more cool and beautiful.

Orange is a very sunny and white hair color. It was originally eye-catching with ear dye, and then matched with popular bangs dye. It's hard not to notice.

For ear dye, you can only highlight one side or both sides, depending on your choice.

Different from straight hair, curly hair with ear dye makes the lines more flexible and beautiful, as if they are swinging waves.

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The right way in the world is vicissitudes 2024-06-13 09:54:19

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