What kind of medicine is used externally for parotitis

Online Nearest Neighbor Ask questions at 21:36:22, May 19, 2024
Recommended answer

If the patient has mumps, they can use Indigo Naturalis Powder for external application, or Zijinding for external application, of course, they can also use gold ointment, or Furong ointment for external application, which can play a therapeutic role. If the patient has mumps, they are usually treated with antiviral drugs and need to be isolated for treatment, so they use ribavirin and Banlangen granules. If the patient has suppurative parotitis, Ruyi Golden Yellow Powder can be applied externally, and abscess incision and drainage may be required. Antibiotics are needed for treatment, and the first generation and second generation cephalosporins can be used for treatment. The above scheme is only for reference. Please use the specific drugs under the guidance of professional doctors according to your own conditions.

Online Nearest Neighbor 2024-05-20 11:12:23

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