Where is the best place for Guanyin Bodhisattva to be placed at home?

Goodbye Yesterday Ask questions on 2024-06-02 09:46:24
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Placement position

Guanyin Bodhisattva is worshipped in the position of worshipping and sitting west to east, because the west is the paradise, and worshipping Buddha in the west is the most appropriate position. Most of the houses have doors that open to the south, like facing south. Do not worship in front of the window, bedroom, corner, near the toilet, the bottom of the cabinet, etc.

It should be noted that Guanyin and Buddha statues should not be placed towards unclean places. If Guanyin Bodhisattva is not allowed to face the toilet, the back room of the statue should not be the toilet or kitchen.

The front of the statue of Avalokitesvara cannot be the dining table, nor the door facing the kitchen, nor the light, nor the window, nor placed in the middle of the house, nor in the bedroom, living room or unclean places.

In a word: (1) Don't face the toilet directly. The master is godless, and there are many problems with family health. (2) Can't face the kitchen, the host family quarrels constantly, can't control their emotions. (3) There should be no crossbeam above. God sits still and is uneasy. Family members have many headaches and life is hard. (4) If you can't face the stairs, the main family will have a rough fate and be prone to bloody disaster. (5) The god's throne is facing the stairs, and the main family is cut, bloody and rough. (6) There should be no vibration or other objects that can make sounds around the shrine, such as televisions, stereos, etc., and family members will not be blessed.

If you are not sure where to put it, you'd better take a piece of yellow cloth and cover it first.


Please don't treat Guanyin Statue as a valuable antique when you go home. It's most disrespectful to lock it in a safe. Otherwise, it will make the family uneasy (children often catch cold).

The god table should face the door. If you don't believe it, please look at the temples and Taoist temples in the world. All the gods face the door, so you can see that this is true.

Avalokitesvara is the god of Buddhism. She is merciful and should refrain from killing. The best way is to "sit west to east". In addition, there are three directions: not to the toilet, not to the door, and not to the table.

Ancestors should not be placed horizontally with gods. Some people place their ancestors' tablets on the god table and worship them together with the Goddess of Wealth and other gods. In fact, this is not appropriate, because ancestors are only family gods, which is hard to compare with these gods. It is more appropriate to place ancestors under the gods.

The place where the statue of Avalokitesvara is placed should not be in the bedroom, so as to avoid dreaming at night.

Don't buy or invite home the first time you see the statue of Avalokitesvara. The more Buddha statues, the easier it is for family members to become distracted.

Buddha statues can be placed according to local conditions, but the most important thing is that "you can't face north". You can't face north when doing homework, such as chanting Buddha's name, meditating, etc. Because we are heading north to hell, we don't have so much energy to fill in. If the door opens to the south, it looks like sitting north facing south; If the door opens to the north, it looks like sitting facing north. Do not worship in front of the window, bedroom, corner, near the toilet, the bottom of the cabinet, etc. It should be noted that the Avalokitesvara and Buddha statues should not be placed towards unclean places, such as the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva facing the bathroom.

Avalokitesvara cannot worship Avalokitesvara together with other gods, which is disrespectful to Avalokitesvara. Because Avalokitesvara is pure and pure, and only eats vegetarian food, it can only choose to worship with flowers and fruits.

Do not discard the Avalokitesvara in an unclean place.

No matter whether the statue of Avalokitesvara is offered on the divine table, desk or bookcase after you go home, you should first cut a piece of red paper (red for avoiding evil spirits) (7 inches in diameter) and put it under the Buddha seat to show good luck.

If the statue of Avalokitesvara is in the form of a wall chart, a piece of one yuan sized red paper should be cut and pasted on the lotus seat or seat of the Buddha, to show that the first day of the first lunar month, the fifteenth day of the lunar month, and the Maoshi period are auspicious).

If the eyes and fingers of the statue of Avalokitesvara are damaged, they should be repaired and redrawn in time, otherwise the family will suffer from the same strange disease. (For example, a broken finger can also be rolled up and connected with red paper. If the body is broken, at least stick it with red paper or cut it into a hand shape to repair it).

Goodbye Yesterday 2024-06-07 10:00:59

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