Causes of acne in the neck

Grandpa Sunshine Ask questions at 07:41:36, May 14, 2024
Recommended answer

There are many reasons for neck acne. Fungal infection, bacterial infection and acne can all lead to acne on the neck. It should be judged according to the shape of the acne and other symptoms. Acne usually occurs in the face, chest, back and other parts where sebaceous glands are distributed, but it also occurs in the neck. Acne is a pimple formed due to the blockage of the hair follicle mouth. Sometimes there are inclusions in the pimple. When acne occurs, do not squeeze the acne with your hands at will. Go to the hospital and ask the doctor to treat the affected part; After being infected by fungi, skin rash may also appear on the neck, which may lead to hair follicular papules on the neck, generally due to infection with Pityrosporum furfur. Excessive mental pressure and endocrine disorders may also lead to acne. If there are serious cases, you should go to the hospital in time to check and eliminate the symptoms.

Grandpa Sunshine 2024-05-20 11:18:18

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