What should I eat if my nose bleeds

Yangtze River and Yellow River Ask questions on May 28, 2024-05:34:07
Recommended answer

There are many reasons that can cause epistaxis. If epistaxis occurs repeatedly, you should go to the otorhinolaryngology department of a regular hospital to get rid of serious diseases, and do not take medicine blindly. Clinically, the common causes of epistaxis are: dry air, which leads to fragile nasal mucosa, easy to rupture and bleed. For example, in autumn and winter, the elderly and children are prone to epistaxis. They should drink more water and use air humidifiers when conditions permit. In addition, patients with hypertension are prone to epistaxis, especially the elderly with hypertension, who are prone to epistaxis when their blood pressure control is not ideal. Patients with blood system diseases are prone to recurrent epistaxis, such as patients with coagulation dysfunction. In addition, some patients with deviated nasal septum are prone to epistaxis, and patients with tumors in nasal cavity and sinuses are also prone to epistaxis. These need to go to the hospital for regular treatment.

Yangtze River and Yellow River 2024-06-03 12:18:46

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