Why do children vomit when they catch a cold

Elegant and indifferent Ask questions at 05:58:33, 2024-05-23
Recommended answer

When a child has a cold, he will vomit for two reasons. First, when a child has a cold, that is, an upper respiratory tract infection, it is usually caused by virus infection. In this case, because the function of the child's gastrointestinal tract is not very mature, it is easy to have symptoms of the digestive system, the most common is vomiting, and some children will also have abdominal distension, diarrhea and loss of appetite, When the child has a good cold, the vomiting symptoms of the child will naturally disappear. Second, the development of the child's stomach is not very mature, especially at the cardia, and the stomach is horizontal, so the child is prone to vomit any discomfort.

Elegant and indifferent 2024-05-27 11:07:32

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