Does hyperthyroidism cause neck pain

Flowing thoughts and dreams Ask questions on 2024-05-14 06:28:40
Recommended answer

Hyperthyroidism patients will have neck pain. Generally, the first symptoms of hyperthyroidism are panic, sweating, shaking hands, irritability, and even weight loss. Usually, there is another disease called subacute thyroiditis, which also causes neck pain. Subacute thyroiditis mostly presents fever and neck pain, and the neck pain is migratory instability, accompanied by symptoms of hyperthyroidism, namely, panic, sweating, and emaciation. The test sheet shows the test sheet of hyperthyroidism, but subacute thyroiditis is caused by the destruction of thyroid gland caused by virus infection, and a large amount of thyroxine is released into the blood, so the neck pain and symptoms of hyperthyroidism caused by subacute thyroiditis are transient and can be relieved without treatment. The real hyperthyroidism will cause neck pain due to the increase of blood flow, so the treatment of hyperthyroidism needs long-term and chronic treatment. In daily life, patients should pay attention to rest, not fatigue, and quit smoking and drinking. Do not eat food with too much iodine in your diet. Keep your mood stable, and do not get angry or excited. You should also go to the endocrine department of the hospital regularly to check your thyroid function.

Flowing thoughts and dreams 2024-05-20 11:18:21

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