Why can't high blood pressure be reduced all the time

Quiet before dawn Ask questions on 2024-05-14 20:51:07
Recommended answer

High blood pressure has not been reduced. It may be that the patient did not take the antihypertensive drugs on time and did not take them regularly, which will lead to high blood pressure and difficult to reduce to the normal level. If the patient has taken antihypertensive drugs, but the blood pressure is still not controlled within the standard range, it may be that the current medication plan of the patient is not very reasonable, and the blood pressure can be reduced only by combined medication. It is also possible that patients do not have lifestyle intervention. For example, although they take antihypertensive drugs, they often stay up late, often tired, and do not pay attention to low salt and low-fat diet, which will also lead to blood pressure not falling.

Quiet before dawn 2024-05-20 11:48:06

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