What kind of medicine is better for urticaria

rose Ask questions at 09:08:04, May 24, 2024
Recommended answer

Urticaria can be wiped calamine lotion effect is better. Urticaria, commonly known as rubella, is a temporary and localized edema reaction of skin mucosa due to various reasons. Clinically, it is divided into acute urticaria and chronic urticaria. Acute urticaria is called when the onset time is less than 6 weeks, and chronic urticaria is called when the onset time is more than 6 weeks. The clinical manifestation of urticaria is that red and pale wheals appear on the skin, accompanied by severe itching. The wheals vary in size and shape. The wheals occur quickly and disappear quickly, leaving no trace after they disappear. For the treatment of urticaria, oral antihistamines such as loratadine, ebastine, cetirizine hydrochloride and other anti allergic and anti itching drugs can be taken. The effect of external application of calamine lotion is better. During the treatment period, the diet is light, do not eat spicy and irritant food, quit smoking and drinking, and do not scratch and scratch the irritation with hands locally.

rose 2024-05-27 11:08:21

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