What medicine to take for sore throat

Under the warm sun Ask questions at 18:40:55 on May 21, 2024
Recommended answer

If the patient with sore throat is an acute pharyngitis, it may be accompanied by fever, sore throat and even suppuration and dysphagia in the pharyngeal cavity. If patients have fever and dysphagia, they need to apply antibiotics throughout the body. They can take antibiotics by intravenous injection and aerosol inhalation locally. At the same time, they can take antiviral oral liquid and pharyngitis buccal tablet for one week to alleviate symptoms. If acute pharyngitis recurs into chronic pharyngitis, which will cause throat pain, dry throat, pharyngeal itch, and foreign body sensation in the pharynx, you can use warm salt water to rinse your mouth, and at the same time use the oral liquid of heat clearing and detoxification. You should use pharyngitis tablet to dissolve it, which can play the role of relieving itching and dryness. At the same time, in terms of diet, patients should avoid spicy and stimulating food and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits to enhance their resistance.

Under the warm sun 2024-05-27 10:56:53

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