What is the reason why men's scrotum is wet and sweaty?

Life is enough Ask questions at 15:12:56 on June 21, 2024
Recommended answer

Men's scrotal dampness refers to the abnormal feeling of sweating, dampness or coldness without any change on the scrotal skin surface. The scrotum has a certain function of relaxation and contraction. There are a large number of sweat glands in the skin, which can adjust the local temperature. If the sweat secreted by the scrotum cannot be distributed in time, the local temperature rises, and the sweat secretion increases, the scrotum will always feel wet. The long-term sweaty and wet scrotum is prone to inflammation, and the vulva will itch.

▲ Dampness hazard of scrotum

Damp scrotum is one of the common diseases in andrology. Often not valued. Because * is in a humid environment for a long time, many bacteria are easy to grow, which is easy to cause scrotal dermatitis, tortoise dermatitis, etc; Because the scrotum is in a humid and hot environment, the local temperature rises, which affects the testicular spermatogenesis and sperm maturity, leading to a decrease in the number of sperm and sperm vitality, and even lead to excessive sperm deformity.

▲ Treatment and precautions

In the treatment of scrotal dampness, we should pay attention to light diet at ordinary times, eat less raw and cold food, and eat less spicy fishy food. However, in general, the vast majority of scrotal dampness has a certain relationship with anterior gonadal disease. It is suggested that patients with scrotal dampness should actively do anterior gonadal examination to determine the specific condition and pay attention to symptomatic treatment.

1. If the patient finds that the scrotum is wet without anterior adenitis, he or she should not be nervous and go to the doctor and take medicine everywhere. Because the scrotum is wet, it is not necessarily pathological. In general, pay attention to the local cleanliness and dryness in life.

2. Most of the patients with scrotal dampness are accompanied by preadenotitis, which is mainly caused by neurological disorders caused by preadenotitis. With the improvement and cure of preadenotitis, scrotal dampness will appear intermittently until it disappears. However, if the treatment of prostatitis is improper or incomplete, the scrotal dampness will not disappear.

3. If the scrotum is damp due to long-term sitting and working in a hot environment and varicocele, the corresponding treatment can be used.

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Life is enough 2024-06-24 11:34:28

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