What kind of medicine to treat urticaria

Flowing thoughts and dreams Ask questions on 2024-05-17 18:03:43
Recommended answer

Urticaria is localized edema of skin mucosa caused by temporary increase of vascular permeability. If you want to treat urticaria, you should also clarify the causes of urticaria according to the characteristics and condition of the skin lesions, try to eliminate the causes and treat symptomatically. When itching, external antipruritic drugs can be used, such as calamine lotion, compound camphor cream, etc. It can also take antihistamines orally, such as ebastine, loratadine, cetirizine, etc. If it is caused by bacterial infection, anti infection treatment should be taken actively. If it is caused by contact with some allergens, try to avoid re contact to prevent the recurrence of urticaria.

Flowing thoughts and dreams 2024-05-20 11:16:20

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