What are the symptoms of intestinal qi in adults

Looking for a bosom friend Ask questions on 2024-05-25 06:52:14
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The main symptom of intestinal qi in adults is the appearance of reversible mass on the body surface. Intestinal gas in adults is mainly due to long-term heavy physical labor, high abdominal pressure or weak areas in the abdomen, which changes the position of viscera or organs in the abdominal cavity, and then leads to the appearance of reversible mass on the body surface, resulting in abdominal flatulence, pain and other clinical symptoms. The diagnosis of intestinal qi in adults is mainly through physical examination, combined with abdominal ultrasonic ct and other related examinations. After the diagnosis is clear, the main treatment is surgery. Generally, the repair is performed under laparoscope, which is a minimally invasive operation. Relatively speaking, the operation time is short, the intraoperative trauma is small, and the postoperative recovery is fast.

Looking for a bosom friend 2024-05-27 11:04:04

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