What are the symptoms of astigmatism

The peak man Ask questions at 15:53:50, May 25, 2024
Recommended answer

The main symptoms of astigmatism are blurred vision, decreased vision, visual fatigue, sometimes tilt, headache, etc. The typical symptom is blurred vision. The blurred vision is closely related to the degree and type of astigmatism. People with mild astigmatism generally have no influence on their vision. The moderate high astigmatism, far vision, and near vision are not good, and their vision is reduced. Simple astigmatism, slightly reduced vision, and compound astigmatism, especially mixed astigmatism, has very significant vision loss, And poor correction is easy to form amblyopia. Astigmatism is easy to cause visual fatigue, which is manifested as eye pain, headache and ghosting. Eye swelling occurs when working in a short distance for a little longer. Due to the need to constantly fine adjust the blurred images on the retina, and the vision may be distorted. Therefore, astigmatism patients are prone to visual fatigue. In order to obtain clearer imaging, astigmatism patients with highly asymmetric eyes tend to tilt their heads, resulting in strabismus. Patients with high astigmatism like to squint their eyes when looking at the distance and near to improve their vision, and they can't see clearly when looking at the distance and near.

The peak man 2024-05-27 11:04:07

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