What to eat to stop vomiting

Between water clouds Ask questions at 22:03:55, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

If vomiting occurs, you can chew ginger tablets directly to relieve the symptoms of vomiting. Ginger is a kind of food that can drive away cold. When vomiting is serious, people will have nausea and vomiting when they see food with heavy taste. You can put ginger tablets in your mouth and spit them out after they have no taste, which can play a role in stopping vomiting. Or you can eat sugar cane. Sugar cane is a kind of fruit with high sweetness, which can stop vomiting. You can squeeze sugar cane into juice and drink it, which is good for your health. If a pregnant woman vomits during pregnancy, she can eat some tomatoes, oranges, etc. appropriately, which can also play an anti vomiting role. If vomiting occurs frequently, you need to take a proper rest and try to eat light and digestible food.

Between water clouds 2024-06-03 12:08:23

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