Men who eat leeks like this have powerful kidneys

be fearless Ask on 2024-06-21 07:18:27
Recommended answer

The pickled leek is a simple home-made dish with simple and convenient preparation method, especially suitable for eating with rice porridge.

Chives, a natural ingredient for tonifying the kidney, is known as the morning primrose, and is a popular food among male friends. Modern research has found that the kidney tonifying elements contained in leeks are more effective than drugs, and there are no side effects.

The traditional Chinese medicine believes that salt is salty, cold and non-toxic. A small amount of salt can have the effect of tonifying the kidney.

Proper consumption of pickled leeks can not only invigorate the kidney and strengthen the yang, but also have the effect of appetizing and strengthening the spleen, so as to eat a nutritious and healthy food.

Recipe making method:

Ingredients: salt, leek

1. Wash and cut the leek into sections, and control the moisture.

2. Cutting of leek with moisture control

3. Put the chopped leeks into a basin, add salt and stir well

4. Marinate the mixed leeks for 15 minutes until the water in the leeks completely flows out.

5. Put the pickled leeks into the plastic cans prepared in advance and marinate them for one night.

be fearless 2024-06-24 11:41:52

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