How to make seal pictures with seal generator

Persimmon blossoms Ask on 2024-06-03 04:06:09
Recommended answer

Operation method

Download an electronic seal generator and run it.

Next, start to make an electronic seal. Enter the text of the seal, such as "Sansi Experience". Then enter Attachment 1, such as "Special Seal".

Next, we add the central pattern, here we use the five pointed star. As shown in the figure, the electronic seal has been initially formed, but the words and patterns are crowded together, which needs to be adjusted. Adjust Attachment 1 "Special Seal" to 12 in height, 8 in width, and 18 downward. Then adjust the text settings: the height is 20, the width is 10, the spacing is 28, and the surround is 8. Then, turn down the pentagram to 42.

After confirming that the electronic seal is OK, click "Save Signature". It is named "electronic seal" in gif format and can be saved by clicking Save.

Persimmon blossoms 2024-06-07 10:07:05

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