The best treatment for anal fistula

Catcher in the Rye Field Ask questions at 03:47:16, April 18, 2024
Recommended answer

The best treatment for anal fistula is still surgical treatment, because the anal fistula disease is relatively special, and it is basically impossible to heal itself in the case of non-surgical treatment, that is to say, non-surgical treatment may reduce the symptoms of anal fistula attack, and also can reduce the frequency of anal fistula attack, but the anal fistula still cannot be completely cured in the end. It will still recur again and again, and the anal fistula will not heal for a long time. Therefore, surgical treatment is the best treatment for anal fistula. Of course, it does not mean that there will be no recurrence after surgery. There are many methods of operation, such as anal fistula incision, anal fistula resection, and more classic anal fistula thread drawing. Now it is more popular to do anal fistula ligation between sphincters clinically, and the operation effect is good.

Catcher in the Rye Field 2024-04-22 12:30:57

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