Six types of fetal dreams most commonly encountered by pregnant mothers

Peach Blossom Cheongsam Ask questions on June 21, 2024-13:04:42
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Expectant mothers often have many dreams, because their visions of the future, their worries and experiences about their children will be accompanied by the interpretation of dreams. Many expectant mothers come to inquire about fetal dreams. Many people want to know whether this dream is a prophecy for female and male students, especially those who dream of animals. Some expectant mothers even have some nightmares. No matter what dreams, it is most necessary to face them correctly.

1、 The first category of animals

The expectant mother dreamed that various animals ranked first in all dream cases, some were cute, some were scary, and many people habitually interpreted their dreams according to the characteristics of the animals in dreams to predict the birth of boys and girls. In fact, this prediction needs to be based on whether the dreamer has communication with these animals at ordinary times, whether the dream belongs to an invasion type, if understood according to the rules of metaphysics, An animal is a disguise before reincarnation, and it is a prediction only when it shows the characteristics of life with a strong willingness to invade and communicate.

If it is not to predict dreams, then the state of animals in dreams is also very important, is it cute? Or is it violent? The lovely animal dream is more verification of the beautiful vision of future life, and the cruel and even bloody animal dream is basically a statement of family relations.

2、 The second largest group of children

Many expectant mothers will dream that their children will die prematurely. In fact, they don't need to worry about it, unless they encounter related topics or discuss diseases. In half of the cases, dreams of children dying prematurely reflect love and care. Dreaming of children's lovely play is a judgment of the future. Children are the most concerned point of expectant mothers. If they talk about or associate with children in the daytime, the probability of children appearing in dreams is very high, because children have become the whole life of expectant mothers in many times.

3、 ? The third dream

People all have physiological needs, and expectant mothers are no exception, so doctors suggest not to do so in the first three months and the next three months, but they can live a moderate life in other times. But in many cases, expectant mothers and fathers need their children to be safer and give up sex, so sex naturally enters their dreams when it is suppressed. In addition, the accumulation of a large number of estrogen leads to abnormal sensitivity of expectant mothers, which is also a major reason.

4、 The fourth big dream is the nightmare of being hunted down

If the pursued nightmare cannot run, it is basically caused by tired feet or incorrect sleeping posture. If you run wild, your expectations for future life are not very clear, because many families have very high expectations of their mothers, especially the gender they want. Some expectant mothers usually live a very happy life with their partners, and suddenly have to live in the life of old people's dictation. They are very unaccustomed to it, which leads to the nightmare of being chased and insulted in their dreams. The solution is to scald your feet with hot water for 10 minutes before going to bed. If you can, ask your husband to help massage your calves and Yongquan acupoints on the bottom of your feet.

5、 The fifth dream

There is a large amount of blood in the dream, whether it is your own or someone else's, and the dream will be interpreted in this way. Except for the topic of blood in the daytime, it is basically caused by the fear of childbirth, because expectant mothers more or less know that blood is the inevitable process of giving birth to babies, whether it is natural or natural.

6、 The sixth dream is sour/tooth loss/paralysis

These are all caused by the physical changes of expectant mothers. Because of the need for fertility, expectant mothers' pelvic bones will become larger, easy to become osteoporotic, and will have a tendency to fall into a dream with aching back. Do not worry about these dreams, after all, it is inevitable in life. It is OK to know that the dream caused by physiological changes due to pregnancy, without worrying.

As the saying goes, when you think every day, you also have dreams. Pregnant mothers usually get in touch with some happy things, listen to beautiful music, read some beautiful essays and poems, which can make their hearts return to peace and accompany their dreams during pregnancy.

Peach Blossom Cheongsam 2024-06-24 11:32:49

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