What to take for carpal tunnel syndrome

Starlight on a moonlit night Ask questions on 2024-05-18 16:01:01
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Carpal tunnel syndrome is mainly due to the increased pressure in the carpal tunnel leading to the compression of the median nerve, which leads to numbness, pain and dysfunction of the fingers. If it is due to the compression of the scar after the tumor or trauma surgery, oral medicine will not play a very good role, and surgery should be carried out in a timely manner. If it is caused by trauma or chronic strain, physical therapy can be carried out, and nutritional neurodrugs, vitamin b1 and vitamin b12 or mecobalamin tablets can be taken orally for treatment. It can also be treated by local blocking with prednisolone acetate, which can also have a good effect.

Starlight on a moonlit night 2024-05-20 11:18:15

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