The latest treatment of anal fistula

Flowers smell sweet Ask on April 20, 2024 23:32:04
Recommended answer

Operation is the only effective treatment for anal fistula, and its treatment principle is to deal with the infected anal recess, anal gland duct and anal gland of the primary internal mouth of anal fistula on the premise of ensuring the anal function. However, for high complex anal fistula, it is inevitable that the traditional operation may cause anal function damage. For this reason, in recent years, some minimally invasive surgical methods have gradually appeared on the bed to protect the anal sphincter from damaging its function, such as LIft operation, laser tube removal, biological patch packing, anal fistula plug and the use of anal fistula mirror, which have made great breakthroughs in the treatment of anal fistula, especially complex anal fistula. The pain is small and the course of treatment is short, but the cure rate is still lower than that of traditional surgery. It should take time for the technology to mature.

Flowers smell sweet 2024-04-22 12:30:57

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