What to do with a month old baby with eczema

That touch of sunshine is dazzling Ask questions at 12:37:15, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

The function and structure of baby's skin is very different from that of adults. The thickness of baby's skin is only 1/10 of that of adults, so baby's skin barrier function is weak, and it is easy to suffer from allergic diseases such as eczema. As the baby's skin characteristics are different from those of adults, the topical treatment of moisturizers and glucocorticoids is the first choice for infants with eczema. Baobaocai has been in use for one month. Safe, effective and less irritating topical drugs should also be selected. Weak glucocorticoids, such as Jodro, can be selected for external use. At the same time, attention should be paid to the importance of moisturizing and moisturizing. Moisturizing and moisturizing are the first line of basic treatment for eczema. We must adhere to the use of humectants. We should be careful in selecting appropriate infant humectants, and the first choice is a highly safe humectant. In addition, for breastfed infants, mothers should also pay attention to the normal diet, eat less spicy and stimulating food, and try to eat less seafood products during the period of eczema.

That touch of sunshine is dazzling 2024-06-03 12:15:23

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