What kind of anti-inflammatory drug can you take for sore throat

Time told me not to look back Ask questions on 2024-05-22 01:33:19
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The common throat inflammation in clinic is as follows: First, acute suppurative tonsillitis, which is characterized by fever, sore throat, bilateral tonsils redness and swelling, and bilateral tonsils scattered in pus spots. You can take penicillin or cephalosporin antibiotics to fight infection, rinse your mouth more, and keep your mouth clean. Second, acute epiglottitis can also be characterized by fever, sore throat, dysphagia, and dyspnea. In treatment, large doses of hormones and antibiotics should be used in a timely manner to diminish inflammation and swelling, so as to ensure the smoothness of the respiratory tract and avoid suffocation. Third, if it is chronic pharyngitis, it does not need to use antibiotics to treat it. You can take some Chinese patent medicines for heat clearing and detoxification, such as Ganju Bingmei, Bailui Granules, Jinlianhua Capsules, etc.

Time told me not to look back 2024-05-27 10:46:13

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