Why do you have acne on your neck

Red Warbler and Green Willow Ask questions at 15:57:22, May 19, 2024
Recommended answer

Acne on the neck is easy to grow at the junction of the upper front edge of the neck and the chin, or the junction of the back of the neck and the hairline, and of course, it is also easy to grow at the junction of the lower shoulder. Because acne tends to grow in areas with more hair and sebum, the two parts of the neck are prone to acne. The occurrence of acne is mainly related to individual physique. High androgen level and oily physique are prone to acne. Of course, it is also affected by acquired factors, such as staying up late more often, eating oil more often, being hot more often, being anxious to get angry more often, high work pressure, and anxiety may cause the instability of the endocrine system, which may lead to the occurrence or aggravation of acne. In a word, the principle and treatment of acne in the neck are similar to those in other parts of the body.

Red Warbler and Green Willow 2024-05-20 11:18:18

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