Difference between revenue and turnover

Sunrise Ask on 2024-06-06 01:21:54
Recommended answer

The scope of income is wider than the turnover, and the income includes the turnover; The turnover is the amount of goods sold and the actual income of consumers.

Revenue refers to the total inflow of economic benefits generated in the daily activities of an enterprise that will lead to the increase of owner's equity and the capital invested by non owners, including revenue from sales of goods, revenue from labor services, revenue from transferring the right to use assets, interest income, rental income, dividend income, etc., but does not include funds collected for third parties or customers. Income refers to the total inflow of economic benefits generated by an individual, including individuals or enterprises in their daily activities such as selling goods, providing labor services, and transferring the right to use assets. Generally, it includes sales income, interest income, royalty income, dividend income, etc. of goods or services. Turnover refers solely to the income earned by commercial companies from the provision of products or services. The turnover minus the expenditure is the profit.

Sunrise 2024-06-07 10:00:30

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