What to do if I take too many antipyretic drugs

Happy Harbor Ask questions at 15:32:18 on April 25, 2024
Recommended answer

If you take too many antipyretic drugs, you should pay attention to observation. If you have headaches, dizziness, lethargy, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, you should go to the doctor in time to relieve the symptoms through timely rescue and treatment. Therefore, the use of drugs must be under the advice and guidance of the doctor. Do not use drugs without authorization or change the dosage of drugs, as well as the use time and way of use, to avoid serious injuries to the body, or delay of the disease caused by failure to achieve the goal of curing the disease. Fever is usually caused by inflammation caused by virus, bacteria or other pathogens. Therefore, when you have a fever, you should first use antibiotics or antiviral drugs that are relatively ill. In case of low fever, physical cooling should be timely cooperated, and in case of high fever, antipyretic drugs should be used in time. In addition, antipyretic drugs must be taken according to the doctor's advice. Do not change the dosage without authorization.

Happy Harbor 2024-04-28 18:11:41

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