What to take for carpal tunnel syndrome

Not surprised by honor or disgrace Ask questions on 2024-05-16 07:16:36
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Carpal tunnel syndrome is mainly caused by the compression of the median nerve, which causes some diseases with clinical symptoms. The main manifestation is hand numbness. In addition, there may be dysfunction and weakness of the thumb, which may cause atrophy of the thenar muscles in serious cases. What kind of medicine should be taken for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome? The details are as follows: 1. You can take drugs that nourish the nerves, such as mecobalamin, cobalamin adenosine, vitamin B1, vitamin B12, etc. These drugs can be used to reduce the edema of the nerves, the inflammation of the nerves themselves, and relieve the symptoms of numbness and nerve damage. 2. Some people may have pain when they have carpal tunnel syndrome. They can take some anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, such as non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. There are also plasters for external use, such as some ointment, anti-inflammatory and pain relieving ointment and plaster. 3. Others can also take detumescence drugs, such as Maizhiling, sodium aescinate, etc., to reduce the swelling of local tissues, which may also reduce the compression of the median nerve. In short, we usually take these kinds of drugs.

Not surprised by honor or disgrace 2024-05-20 11:18:15

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