How to swipe your card with your mobile phone by subway

Once the love dead Ask on June 1, 2024-19:23:16
Recommended answer

With the progress of science and technology, more and more cities have opened the activity of taking subway by mobile payment, which undoubtedly brings great convenience to our life. How can I use my mobile phone to swipe my card and take the subway? Let's have a look!

Operation method

Buy a mobile phone with NFC function. Now, many new mobile phones from Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei and other manufacturers have NFC functions.

Download the official app of the city's subway, and bind the all-in-one card or bank card after registering the account.

Open the app, adjust the page to the payment page, and place the phone at the identification position of the gate.

When the page is displayed successfully, the gate will open automatically, and then you can enter the subway!

Once the love dead 2024-06-07 10:12:32

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