Normal symptoms of hypothyroidism indicators still exist

Be diligent and honest Ask on 2024-05-29 02:02:03
Recommended answer

Patients with hypothyroidism should take Urtolol replacement therapy for a long time or even for life. Some patients have thyroid function controlled to normal level after taking the medicine, but still have symptoms of hypothyroidism such as chills, fatigue, slow reaction, and memory loss. For this part of patients, it means that the drug dose may not be in place. It is possible that the last test indicators are just normal, but the indicators will rebound in the next month. It may be necessary to increase the drug dose. At the same time, patients also pay attention to rest, exercise properly and lose weight, which helps to improve fatigue symptoms. There are also some patients who have suffered from hypothyroidism for a long time, and did not give drugs to adjust before, but began to take eugenol as an alternative treatment after a long time. At this time, some of the brain nerves have been affected, and some of these effects are irreversible, so they still show a decrease in sympathetic nerve excitability.

Be diligent and honest 2024-06-03 12:17:14

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