What is facial muscle spasm

Wandering Heart Ask questions at 10:55:52 on May 21, 2024
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Facial muscle spasm refers to facial muscle spasm, which means that one side of the face twitches, and some people will have bilateral spasms. It is a phenomenon that the facial nerve compresses the responsible blood vessel, causing involuntary twitching of the face. Let me give you a detailed introduction. Facial spasm is generally related to mental status. The more nervous the spirit, the more severe the convulsion. Because the initial symptom of facial spasm is eyelid beating, people generally do not pay attention to it. After a period of focus formation, it will develop into facial spasm, linked to the corners of the mouth, and seriously linked to the neck. Facial spasm can be divided into two types: primary facial spasm and facial spasm caused by sequelae of facial paralysis. The two types can be distinguished from the symptoms and manifestations. Primary facial spasm can also occur in a static state, and the spasm can be relieved after a few minutes without control. The facial spasm caused by the sequela of facial paralysis only occurs when blinking, eyebrow raising, etc.

Wandering Heart 2024-05-27 11:09:12

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