What causes high blood pressure at night

The sea is in the sun Ask questions on 2024-06-02 12:07:07
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High blood pressure at night is considered to be due to poor sleep quality at night, which leads to increased blood pressure caused by increased sympathetic nerve excitation. In addition, if it is due to sleep at night and snoring that leads to apnea and reduced ventilation, it will also lead to increased blood pressure. High blood pressure at night requires vigilance against the possibility of sleep apnea syndrome. It is recommended to go to a regular hospital for sleep breathing monitoring, and give symptomatic treatment after diagnosis. It is suggested that patients should eat a light diet, a low salt and low-fat diet, a low cholesterol diet, and avoid greasy, spicy and stimulating food. The daily routine should be regular, and excessive staying up late and overwork should be avoided. Keep calm and avoid emotional excitement and tension. Proper exercise helps build up the body.

The sea is in the sun 2024-06-03 12:00:31

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