Still suffering from kidney deficiency? These kidney strengthening herbs can help you get rid of troubles

Falling snow falls on the city Ask on June 22, 2024-17:32:41
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Around us, we always see some men suffering from kidney deficiency. This is also worth understanding. After all, once a man has kidney deficiency, he will more or less make himself very inferiority complex and can't hold his head up in front of his wife, family and even friends. In fact, it is also very simple to solve the problem of kidney deficiency. For example, if you take the following Chinese medicines with kidney strengthening effects, you can drive away troubles and relax.

Deer Antler

It has the functions of tonifying kidney yang, replenishing blood essence, strengthening muscles and bones, etc. It is used for deficiency of kidney yang, early yang with deficiency of blood essence, infertility in women with cold uterus, frequent urination, pain in waist and knee, weakness of muscles and bones, etc. In the patent medicine, ginseng antler Sanshen powder, Guilingji, Guilingwan, etc., deer antler is the main component. According to modern research, velvet antler contains hormone, colloid, calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, etc., which has androgen like effect, can improve gonadal function, enhance body metabolism, and eliminate fatigue; Promote the regeneration of ulcers and wounds, accelerate the healing, and promote the healing of fractures. This product is mostly used in pills and powders, and the dosage is 0.6g-3g each time.


Heat clearing and detoxification. Treatment of febrile diseases, fever, toxic blood dysentery, carbuncle, swelling, scrofula, hemorrhoids and leakage.


Reinforce kidney yang, strengthen muscles and bones, dispel wind and dampness. For Yang * spermatorrhea, flaccid muscles and bones, rheumatic arthralgia, numbness and contracture; Climacteric hypertension.


It can nourish Yuanyang, warm the spleen and stomach, remove accumulated cold, and unblock blood vessels. It can cure the decline of fire in the gate of life, cold limbs, weak pulse, collapse of the dead Yang, diarrhea of abdominal pain, and floating of the weak Yang.

Eucommia ulmoides

Reinforce liver and kidney, strengthen muscles and bones, and prevent miscarriage. Treatment of lumbar spine pain, flaccid feet and knees, residual urination, wet itching under the vagina, abortion due to fetal leakage, fetal restlessness, hypertension.

Falling snow falls on the city 2024-06-24 11:40:20

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