The back of the ear is swollen. What's the pain

Maple leaves fall Ask questions at 09:48:25, April 18, 2024
Recommended answer

Postauricular swelling is usually caused by infection of sebaceous gland cyst of external auditory canal or inflammation of retroauricular lymph nodes. The treatment of diseases should first clarify the specific causes, so as to better solve the problem from the source. The postauricular sebaceous gland cyst is generally located in the postauricular sulcus behind the earlobe. At first, the size of soybean grain increases gradually. After infection, there is redness, swelling and pain, and then there is wave feeling when pressing, and the pain is reduced. This situation is considered as purulent, and needs incision and drainage treatment. For postauricular lymphadenitis, it is mainly treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, and it can also be treated with red light, microwave and other physiotherapy.

Maple leaves fall 2024-04-22 12:16:36

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