Drugs for frequent urination, urgent urination and endless urination

Beloved old lover Ask questions on 2024-05-31 03:40:37
Recommended answer

When the symptoms of frequent urination, urgency, and endless urination occur, it is suspected of urinary tract infection, and acute and chronic cystitis are more common. Lower urinary tract infection is mostly caused by bacteria (such as Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium, Staphylococcus), mycoplasma, chlamydia and other pathogenic microorganisms. After symptoms such as frequent urination and urgency of urination occur, urine examination can find abnormal increase of white blood cells. Culture and drug sensitivity test of pathogenic microorganisms in the middle of urine can understand the types of pathogenic microorganisms and find sensitive antibiotics. Select sensitive antibiotics for treatment (common drugs are cephalosporins and quinolones). If the frequency of urination and urgency of urination are very serious and affect normal work and life, oral analgesics or α - receptor blockers (such as tamsulosin) can be used for symptomatic treatment.

Beloved old lover 2024-06-03 12:17:17

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