What kind of medicine does nephritis take for diuresis

Ivy Ask questions at 23:40:57, May 18, 2024
Recommended answer

Nephritis patients can take hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide or tolasemide to diuresis and detumescence. Nephritis is prone to edema, mainly due to the reduction of glomerular filtration rate. Lighter edema generally does not need to use diuretics, and can actively control water and salt intake, so the edema may gradually subside. However, some patients' edema is not obvious after diet control, so diuretics can be considered for treatment at this time. If it is mild edema, you can consider a more moderate diuretic, such as hydrochlorothiazide. If it is moderate or more edema, especially severe edema, then furosemide or tolasemide can be considered for treatment. Here, we should pay attention to avoiding electrolyte disorder when using diuretics, especially when using diuretics for a long time. The above scheme is only for reference. Please use the specific drugs under the guidance of professional doctors according to your own conditions.

Ivy 2024-05-20 11:20:30

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