What is the cause of pain in asshole stool

The moon on the sea is born with tide Ask questions on 2024-05-30 03:46:23
Recommended answer

There are many reasons for anal pain when defecating. In this case, go to the anorectal department to find out the cause and treat symptomatically. The common cases may be the following: First, if the patient's stool is dry, the dry stool will sometimes damage the anal tube skin and form anal fissure, and the stool will stimulate the anal wound when forced defecation will cause pain. Subsequently, due to the spasm and contraction of anal sphincter, the pain will be further aggravated. 2、 If the patient suffers from the insertion of foreign bodies into the anus and rectum, it will also cause pain, and sometimes cracks can be seen. 3、 If a perianal abscess is formed after the infection of the patient's anal gland and spreads around along the anal canal and rectum, it will also cause pain around the buttocks. The scope and size of the abscess can be determined by perianal color ultrasound. 4、 If the patient has hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, and incarceration after prolapse from the anus, hemorrhoid vein congestion and thrombosis will also cause pain in the ass.

The moon on the sea is born with tide 2024-06-03 11:53:48

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