What kind of medicine is used for acute conjunctivitis

Peach wind and apricot rain Ask questions on 2024-05-31 15:27:56
Recommended answer

Acute conjunctivitis is conjunctival inflammation caused by various reasons. According to different causes, it can be divided into bacterial conjunctivitis, viral conjunctivitis and allergic conjunctivitis. The main symptoms of the patient are redness, swelling, pain, congestion, increased secretion, etc. The cause of such a situation should be determined first. If it is conjunctivitis caused by bacterial infection, antibiotics should be used to treat it. The commonly used drugs are ofloxacin eye drops, chloramphenicol eye drops, tobramycin eye drops, etc. Don't rub your eyes with your hands, Avoid aggravating symptoms

Peach wind and apricot rain 2024-06-03 11:54:49

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