What is the cause of acne on the neck

Always on the road Ask on 2024-05-17 19:24:13
Recommended answer

The reason for the neck acne is that the sebaceous glands secrete sebum vigorously, the hair follicles have abnormal keratinization, which leads to poor sebum excretion, the proliferation of Acne propionate bacilli, the environment, endocrine and many other factors. Patients with acne at the neck should avoid squeezing to avoid the spread of inflammation caused by improper squeezing, leaving pigmentation. At the same time, it is necessary to keep the skin clean and avoid eating spicy and irritant food. The symptoms are serious. Clindamycin cream can be applied externally and viaminate can be taken orally. It is recommended to follow the doctor's advice. At ordinary times, pay more attention to personal hygiene, control emotions, vent appropriately, and don't let your mood be too depressed. It's better to go out regularly to relax and exercise more.

Always on the road 2024-05-20 11:18:18

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