What is the reason for dry mouth and excessive urine

Dream predestination Ask questions on 2024-05-25 00:14:31
Recommended answer

Dry mouth causes excessive urination. In this case, we should first go to the hospital for laboratory examination. This may be due to high blood sugar. It is caused by diabetes. Diabetes can generally cause dry mouth, thirst, polyuria and other manifestations. If the test results are normal, it may be caused by kidney yin deficiency. Yin deficiency generates internal heat, which can cause dry mouth and thirst, and kidney yin deficiency. May cause polyuria. According to the results of the examination and then symptomatic treatment. If it is caused by kidney yin deficiency, you can take Zhibai Dihuang Pill or Liuwei Dihuang Pill orally. It has the effect of clearing heat, nourishing yin, tonifying kidney, promoting fluid and relieving cough.

Dream predestination 2024-05-27 10:56:43

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