What is QQ red envelope? How to send red envelopes on mobile QQ

Sun flower Ask on June 1, 2024-23:13:56
Recommended answer

QQ red envelopes are used to send money to QQ friends through mobile phone QQ, and can also be used to transfer money, which is very convenient. If your relatives want to give you red envelopes on your birthday when they work in a distant place, they can send them through QQ.

Operation method

Start QQ on your phone, select a friend, and click to enter the chat interface. QQ version (as shown in the figure)

Click the pattern of the red packet (or click+and then click Send Red Packet), and then you can enter the amount of the red packet. (As shown in the figure)

Red packets are divided into ordinary red packets and password red packets. Ordinary red packets can be received directly, while password red packets need the other party to input the password you set before receiving them. After you input the amount, you can click Insert Money. (As shown in the figure)

Enter your QQ red packet payment password. If your QQ wallet does not have real name authentication, it will not jump to this step (if it does not, the red packet will be sent directly). You also need to bind the bank card for real name authentication. Here, I have verified with my real name, entered the password directly, and then sent the red envelope. (As shown in the figure)

A red envelope pattern will appear in the chat box between you and your friends. Your friends can click on the red envelope to receive the red envelope you sent. (As shown in the figure)

Of course, you can also see how your friends receive it. (As shown in the figure)

hot tip

Don't tell others the password of QQ wallet payment

Sun flower 2024-06-07 10:17:36

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