How to care for hair after frequent hair dyeing

Listen to the wind and watch the moon Ask questions at 17:54:56 on June 12, 2024
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Color your hair. Hair dyeing is a popular hairdressing method. In addition to finding a professional hairdresser in a barber's shop to do styling, people also buy their own hair dye DIY to dye their hair, which is becoming more and more addictive and can't stop. So, how do you care for your hair when you dye it regularly? What's the harm of long-term hair dyeing? Can I have a perm a week after dyeing? You will know after reading it.

How to take care of your hair if you dye it regularly

Hair dyeing can damage the hair to a certain extent, so the care after hair dyeing is very important. You can apply the hair mask once or twice a week to repair and nourish the hair deeply, so that the hair can absorb more nutrition. You can also apply essential oil to take care of your hair. You can use conditioner every time you wash your hair to make your hair smooth and smooth.

Harm of long-term hair dyeing

Although hair dyeing is very beautiful, long-term hair dyeing will seriously damage the hair quality, and the hair will become dry, short and fragile. And many hair dyes are of poor quality. Hair dyes contain many chemical components of heavy metals. Long term hair dyes can enter the body through the scalp, damage the liver and may cause cancer.

Can I have a perm a week after dyeing

You can perm your hair a week after dyeing, but frequent dyeing and perm will cause great damage to our hair quality. Therefore, for the sake of healthy hair, you should dye and perm your hair at intervals. If you want to do perm and dyeing together, you'd better perm first and then dye your hair. At the same time, perm will cause discoloration of the dyed hair, and the curl of curly hair will disappear, affecting the modeling effect.

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Listen to the wind and watch the moon 2024-06-13 10:00:27

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