What kind of corns

Keep a little beard Ask questions on 2024-05-23 08:16:52
Recommended answer

Corns belong to skin keratosis hyperplastic dermatosis. If you go to the hospital for treatment, you should go to the dermatology department. Cornus is a common skin disease of the foot. If the foot is heavily loaded, and the foot rubs and squeezes with the shoe for a long time, or rubs with small particles on the sole of the shoe, it will lead to local keratinization and hardening, and gradually form keratoproliferative nodules. The tip of the nodules faces inward and the base faces the surface, which is hard, smooth and white, and looks like corns, After being squeezed or rubbed, the surrounding tissues are compressed, and obvious tenderness occurs. The treatment method is to remove the hyperplastic cutin suppository. Common corrosive agents, such as chicken eye ointment and salicylic acid, should be changed once every 2-3 days. After the cutin is softened, it should be cut off. After the cutin suppository is removed repeatedly, the drug should be stopped. Alternatively, surgical excision, liquid nitrogen freezing, electric burning and other methods can be used to remove the cutin suppository. Corns are skin problems and dermatological diseases. When you go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment, you should go to the dermatology department.

Keep a little beard 2024-05-27 10:50:26

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