What food is good for patients with ulcerative colitis

Hear songs by the moonlight Ask questions at 14:53:43, May 20, 2024
Recommended answer

Patients with ulcerative colitis can eat some light and easy to digest food, and can eat some fresh vegetables, such as spinach, cabbage, etc., which are rich in cellulose, which is conducive to the excretion of feces and reduces the irritation of feces to the intestinal tract. Patients can properly eat some fresh fruits, such as oranges, oranges, papayas, etc., which are rich in vitamins, can promote the absorption of nutrients, and also have antioxidant function, enhance the immunity of the body, and improve the disease resistance of the body. Some spicy and stimulating food, such as pepper and mustard, cannot be eaten, and some smoked food, such as smoked chicken and smoked fish, cannot be eaten. In order to prevent aggravating the symptoms of patients, we should also actively carry out sports activities, strengthen the immunity of the body and improve the disease resistance of the body through appropriate activities.

Hear songs by the moonlight 2024-05-27 10:54:25

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