The fire is serious. What kind of medicine should I take? The fire is fast

Off key Uncle Ask questions at 17:30:05, May 16, 2024
Recommended answer

If the fire is serious, you can take drugs such as heat clearing and fire lowering, stomach clearing Huanglian Qingwei pills, bezoar detoxification tablets, Huanglian Shangqing tablets, Weireqing capsules, gardenia Qinggan tablets and Longdan Xiegan pills, which can lower the fire quickly. In addition, you can also use chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, cassia seed, etc. to soak in water. If it is a weak fire, you can choose Liuwei Dihuang Pill, Zhibai Dihuang Pill and other medicines for conditioning. Usually, you can use bamboo, dendrobium, wolfberry, ophiopogon japonicus, etc. to soak in water. In addition, we should also control our emotions at ordinary times and not get angry or angry. Because the temper meeting leads to anger and anger, which is more serious. We should also pay attention to light, spicy, sticky and stimulating food and try not to eat. You can eat celery, radish, cabbage and other foods rich in dietary fiber. You should also pay attention to proper outdoor exercise at ordinary times. Exercise can increase metabolism and help reduce fire.

Off key Uncle 2024-05-20 11:50:30

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